How you can best prepare participants for the Inclusion-Check survey
Experience shows that the willingness to participate is significantly higher if employees feel well informed and involved. Therefore, inform the participants early and comprehensively about the aim and importance of the survey. Make it clear that this survey aims to capture the perceptions and needs of all employees, regardless of their individual characteristics (e.g. gender, nationality, physical disabilities) or life situations (sexual orientation, educational background, religion). Through transparent communication, you create trust and promote awareness of how important everyone's participation is in order to obtain a comprehensive and authentic picture of the mood towards inclusion in your organization.
Naming and planning a survey
You can name and plan your survey under "Surveys / Planning". Give the survey a suitable name such as "Employee Survey". For the planned start date, you can enter when you would like to activate the survey. Please note that survey participants can only complete the survey once the survey has been activated. The planned end date is the date on which the survey is to be completed. You can change this date as long as the end date has not yet been reached. Make sure that you give your survey participants enough time to complete the survey and remind them of the survey if necessary. Under "Reminder" you can specify when you want to be reminded by email about a activated survey. As long as the survey is active, you can also generate a reminder and send it to your participants (see also the tip in "Activation and Administration").
What can be personalized in the questionnaire?
You can personalize the questionnaire under "Surveys / Questionnaire". You can customize the introductory text for the survey and the individual feedback and enter possible contact points for the survey participants. The dimensions included in the survey are displayed in the "Elements, Dimensions and Questions" section. Dimensions cannot be added or removed from the Inclusion-Check. If you are interested in adding Incluscope to your survey, please contact for a quote.
Personalize the introductory text of the survey
In the " Introduction questionnaire" section you will find a suggested text that will be displayed to survey participants at the beginning of the questionnaire. You are free to use or customize the text. Please note: If you make adjustments, you will also need to adjust the translations.
Personalize Individual Feedback (IFB) and contact persons for participants
Under Surveys / Questionnaire in the section "Individual Feedback (IFB) and Participant Contacts", you can customize the text in the IFB and enter contact information that will be displayed at the end of the IFB A suggested text is already entered under "Introduction". However, you can customize this and provide the survey participants with your own feedback regarding their results. Please note: If you make adjustments, you must also adjust the translations. Under "Global Contact Person", you can enter one or more contacts and / or contact points for the participants in your survey (e.g., internal HR contact person, external advice centers). These will appear at the end of each survey participant's individual feedback. Remember to provide survey participants with as many different contact channels as possible: e.g., phone number, email address or an anonymous whistleblowing point. See the sample report for an example:
Survey Groups
Why survey groups are created
You can use survey groups to map the structure of your organization. In principle, you can include the entire organization in a survey group. However, if you conduct the survey with different survey groups, you can later generate more detailed evaluations and compare the results of the survey groups using Inclusion-Check PLUS, which is subject to a fee. Evaluations are possible at up to 3 hierarchical levels (e.g., business unit, department, and team level). If you would like evaluations of other hierarchy levels, please contact for a quote.
Creating Survey Groups
You can create the structure of the survey groups under "Surveys / Survey groups". To do this, click on "+ New Group". Give the survey group a name and specify how many people it consists of. If the new group is subordinate to an existing group, drag and drop the groups. It is important that you specify the exact number of people in the group. This determines the maximum number of people who can actually complete the survey in that group. Pay attention to the size of the group: Sending the link to a large number of participants at once can cause problems.
Activation and Management
Starting a survey
Under "Surveys / Activation and Management" you can use "Preview" to check what your survey looks like. The survey can be activated via the corresponding button at the top right.
Sending a survey link to participants
Under "Download templates", select "Invitation to survey" and the language in which you would like to send the invitation. You can also select several languages at the same time. If you click on "Download", you will receive a zip file with one message file per survey group in the corresponding language. Click on the message file of a survey group (an email will open automatically). You are free to customize this message. However, make sure that you do not delete or change the link to the survey. Then send the email to all participants in the corresponding survey group in the respective language. Repeat the previous step until you have sent the invitation to all survey groups.
Sending reminders to participants
Under "Download templates", select "Reminder" and the language in which you would like to send the reminder. You can also select several languages at the same time. If you click on "Download", you will receive a zip file with one message file per survey group in the corresponding language. Click on the message file of a survey group (an email will open automatically). You are free to customize the message. However, make sure that you do not delete or change the link to the survey. Then send the email to all participants in the corresponding survey group in the respective language. Repeat the previous step until you have sent the survey completion reminder to all survey groups.
Creating an evaluation
Under "Evaluations" you can create a new evaluation by clicking "+ New". Give your evaluation a suitable name under "Evaluations / Basics / Name". The name entered under "Prefix" will appear later in the file name of the evaluation, so that you can quickly find your evaluation at any time. Please note that you can only continue with the configuration once you have given the organization a name and prefix and saved your entries in the top right-hand corner. You can download the free text feedback from the participants as a PDF via the “General feedback from your employees” button.
Configuring evaluation
By default, you can see the structure of the survey groups under "Evaluations / Configuration". In the Inclusion-Check, all survey groups are taken together for the evaluation. With Inclusion-Check PLUS, you can create further evaluations on up to three hierarchical levels. If you have set up more than three levels, the survey groups from level 4 onwards will be combined into the level 3 survey groups for the evaluations. If you want to merge survey groups with Inclusion-Check PLUS – for example, so that you get at least 10 responses per group – you can do this by dragging and dropping. You can also exclude groups from the evaluation in Inclusion-Check PLUS by unchecking the box in front of the survey group.
Generate evaluation
Under "Evaluations / Output" you can configure which information should appear on the report. You can adjust the duration of the survey and upload your organization logo. To generate the evaluation, press the “Evaluate” button. After a few minutes, your evaluation will be saved as a PDF under “Documents”. With the Inclusion-Check, you receive an overall evaluation (without hierarchy structure). With Inclusion-Check PLUS, you can also choose which chapters are to be displayed in the report up to which evaluation level.
Evaluations are not displayed
You can find your evaluations under “Documents”. Generating the evaluations can take a few minutes. If you do not see your evaluation, reset all filters with “Search / Reset filter” at the top right. You may have to reload the page.